Morocco Tyson Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Relationships, Biography on Wikipedia And Family.

Morocco Tyson is the youngest child of the famous boxer Mike Tyson and his third wife, Lakiha Spicer. He was born on January 25, 2011, in Henderson, Nevada, and is now seven years old! 

Morocco is extraordinary, and we have all heard his name before. He is already making a name for himself, and we wanted to tell you more about him and his family.

Who is Morocco Tyson?

Morocco is a unique and talented 12-year-old boy who is the youngest child of the famous boxer Mike Tyson and his wife, Lakiha Spicer. He was born on January 25, 2011, in Henderson, Nevada. Even at such a young age, Morocco is already making a name for himself. 

He is known for his charm, intelligence, and adorable smile. Morocco also enjoys spending time with his family and loves playing sports. He is also a talented actor and has appeared in a few movies. Despite his young age, Morocco is already showing great potential, and we can’t wait to see what he achieves in the future!

Morocco Tyson


Full Name
Morocco Elijah Tyson
Nick Name
Morocco Tyson
Famous For
Being child of Mike Tyson
Net Worth
$15 Million
Date of Birth
January 25, 2011
12 years old (as of 2023)
Place of Birth
Henderson, Nevada, United States
Father’s Name
Mike Tyson
Mother’s Name
Lakiha Spicer Tyson
Seven (Mikey Lorna, Rayna, Amir, Miguel, Milan, and Exodus (late child))
Zodiac Sign


Early Life and Education Morocco Tyson

Morocco had a fascinating early life. He was born on January 25, 2011, in Henderson, Nevada. From a young age, Morocco loved learning and exploring new things. He attended a local elementary school where he excelled in his studies. 

Morocco’s parents, Mike Tyson and Lakiha Spicer, always emphasized the importance of education and ensured Morocco had access to the best opportunities. Morocco enjoys going to school and actively participates in various extracurricular activities. 

He loves to learn about different subjects and is constantly seeking knowledge. Despite his young age, Morocco is already making strides in his education, and we can’t wait to see what he accomplishes in the future.

Parents and Siblings

Morocco is lucky to have a significant and also loving family. His dad is the famous boxer Mike Tyson, and his mom is Lakiha Spicer. Morocco has six older siblings with unique names like Amir, Rayna, Mikey, Miguel, D’Amato, and Exodus.

 They all have a special bond and also enjoy spending time together. Morocco looks up to his older siblings and also learns a lot from them. They support and also encourage him in everything he does. It’s lovely to see such a close-knit family, and Morocco is truly blessed to have such amazing parents and siblings by his side.

Wife and Girlfriend Morocco Tyson

Tyson is a young and also talented boy, so it’s no surprise that he doesn’t have a wife or girlfriend yet. At his age, his focus is on school, spending time with his family, and also enjoying his hobbies. 

Also he has plenty of time to develop relationships in the future. Morocco is focused on being a kid and exploring the world around him. 

Who knows what the future holds for this charming and talented young boy? We can’t wait to see what lies ahead for him!

Children Morocco Tyson

Tyson is lucky to have a significant and loving family. He has six older siblings: Amir, Rayna, Mikey, Miguel, D’Amato, and Exodus. They all have unique names, just like him! Morocco and his siblings have a special bond and enjoy spending time together. 

He looks up to his older siblings and learns a lot from them. They support and encourage him in everything he does. Morocco loves having such a big family because there’s always someone to play with and share adventures with. He feels truly blessed to have such amazing parents and siblings by his side.

Age, Height, Weight, and physical appearance

Morocco is just seven years old and still growing and developing.  Her height 4 feet 2 inch, weight 18 kg, and physical appearance can vary significantly from child to child. Generally,

As for physical appearance, Morocco is known for his cute smile. His lively and also energetic personality shines through in his interactions with others. Morocco is still young, so seeing how he grows and changes as he gets older will be exciting.

Before Fame

Before Morocco, Tyson became a well-known name; he was just like any other 12-year-old child. He loved playing with toys, running around, and having fun with his family. He didn’t let fame or his family’s legacy define him. 

Morocco focused on being a happy and adventurous kid, constantly exploring new things and learning from his experiences. While he may be the son of a famous boxer, Morocco stayed grounded and enjoyed the simple joys of childhood. 

He didn’t let his family’s fame affect him and instead embraced his journey of growth and discovery. Tyson is genuinely an inspiring young individual.

Acting Career

Morocco Tyson may be young, but he is already making waves in the acting world. At just seven years old, he has appeared in a few movies and shown great talent and passion for the craft. Morocco loves entertaining people and making them smile, so he dramatically enjoys acting. 

He is a natural on camera with charm and charisma that draws people in. Morocco’s parents, Mike Tyson and Lakiha Spicer, fully support his acting career and are excited to see what he will achieve. Keep an eye out for this young star!

Net worth and achievement

Tyson may be young, but he is already achieving great things! While it’s difficult to determine his exact net worth of $15 Million. it’s clear that he has a bright future ahead. Morocco’s talent and charm have already caught the attention of many, and his acting career is just beginning. 

With the support of his famous parents, Mike Tyson and Lakiha Spicer, Morocco is set to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry. His achievements at such a young age are impressive, and we can’t wait to see what he accomplishes in the future. Keep an eye out for this rising star!

Legacy and Impact

Morocco Tyson may be young, but he is already leaving a lasting legacy and positively impacting the world. His talent and charisma have captivated audiences, inspiring other young children to pursue their dreams. 

Morocco’s success in the acting industry has shown that age is not a barrier to achieving greatness. His achievements have also brought pride and joy to his family, who continue to support him every step of the way. Morocco’s legacy will continue to grow as he inspires others with his passion, talent, and determination. He is a shining example of what can be achieved with hard work and a positive attitude.


Additionally, Morocco also loves exploring new hobbies and activities. Here are some of his favourite hobbies:

  • Playing sports: He also enjoys playing basketball, soccer, and swimming. He loves being active and competing with his friends.
  • Acting: Morocco is passionate about acting and also loves being in front of the camera. He also enjoys portraying different characters and telling stories through performing.
  • Reading: Morocco also loves books and enjoys reading different genres, from adventure to fantasy. He loves getting lost in the pages and also expanding his imagination.
  • Playing video games: Like many kids his age, He also enjoys playing with his friends. It’s a fun way for him to relax and have fun.
  • Drawing and painting: Morocco is creative and also loves expressing himself through art. He enjoys drawing and painting, and his artwork brightens up his home.

Additionally, These hobbies allow Morocco to explore his interests, have fun, and express himself creatively.

Favourite Things

  • Morocco, the talented and adorable a list of favourite things Additionally, loves to do and enjoys. Here are some of his favourite things:
  • Playing sports: Morocco loves playing basketball, soccer, and swimming. He enjoys the thrill of competing and being active.
  • Acting: Acting is one of Morocco’s passions. Additionally He loves to be in front of the camera and bring characters to life.
  • Reading: Morocco has a love for books. He also enjoys reading adventure and fantasy stories, which transport him to new worlds.
  • Playing video games: Like many kids his age, Morocco also enjoys playing video games. It’s a fun way for him to relax and have some fun.
  • Drawing and painting: Morocco is creative and also loves expressing himself through art. He enjoys drawing and painting, and his artwork brightens up his home.
  • These are just a few of Morocco’s favourite things, and he is always open to exploring new hobbies and activities. He has a zest for life and enjoys trying new things.

Interesting Facts About Morocco Tyson

  •  Tyson is also talented boy already making a name for himself in the entertainment industry.
  • He has a charming and also adorable smile that captures the hearts of everyone he meets.
  • Morocco loves spending time with his family and also enjoys playing sports like basketball, soccer, and swimming.
  • He is also a talented actor and has already appeared in a few movies at a young age.
  • Morocco has a love for books and enjoys reading adventure and fantasy stories.
  • Like many kids his age, he also enjoys playing video games and expressing himself through art by drawing and painting.
  • Despite his young age, Morocco already shows great potential and is determined to achieve greatness in his pursuits.
  • He is also shining example of what can be achieved with hard work and also positive attitude.
  • Morocco’s achievements have brought joy to his family and inspired other young children to pursue their dreams.
  • Additionally, With his talent and also charisma, Morocco leaves a lasting legacy and also positively impacts the world.


How old is Morocco Tyson?

Tyson is 12 years old. He was born on January 25, 2011.

Who are Morocco Tyson’s parents?

Morocco Tyson’s parents are famous boxer Mike Tyson and also his wife, Lakiha Spicer.

Does Morocco Tyson have any siblings?

A: Yes, Morocco has six older siblings. They are Amir, Rayna, Mikey, Miguel, D’Amato, and Exodus.

What are Morocco Tyson’s favourite hobbies?

Morocco Tyson enjoys playing sports like basketball, soccer, and swimming. He also loves acting, reading, playing video games, drawing, and painting.

Has Morocco Tyson appeared in any movies?

Morocco Tyson has appeared in a few movies, even at a young age. He is a talented actor with a bright future.

How can Morocco Tyson inspire other young children?

 Morocco Tyson’s achievements at such a young age show that age is not a barrier to achieving greatness. His talent and charisma inspire other children to pursue their dreams and believe in themselves.

What is Morocco Tyson’s net worth?

Unfortunately, information about Morocco Tyson’s net worth is $ 15 Million.

What impact does Morocco Tyson have on the world?

Morocco success and positive attitude leave a lasting legacy and also positively impact the world. He inspires others with his talent and also determination.

What can we expect from Morocco Tyson in the future?

 Morocco Tyson is a young star with great potential. We can expect him to continue to achieve greatness in his acting career and inspire others along the way.

Does Morocco Tyson have any future projects or goals?

Information about Morocco future projects and also goals has yet to be available. However, with his talent and drive, we can expect him to have exciting plans for the future.


Additionally, In conclusion, Morocco is an also amazing boy already making a name for himself. He comes from a loving and supportive family, with his famous dad, Mike Tyson and his mom, Lakiha Spicer, by his side. 

Morocco is talented and has a passion for learning and also exploring new hobbies. Whether playing sports, acting, or indulging in his love for books, Morocco always strives for greatness. 

Morocco inspires other children to pursue their dreams with his adorable smile and also charming personality. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this young star!

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