Noah Shannon Green Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Relationships, Biography on Wikipedia And Family.

Noah Shannon Green! He is the son of two of the most iconic celebrities in the world Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green. 

He was Born in the United States of America on September 27, 2012, Shannon Green is now 11 years old and living his best life. Have you ever wanted to know more about Noah Green?

Who is Noah Shannon Green?

Noah Shannon is a 11-year-old boy born in the United States on September 27, 2012. He has a famous mom, Megan Fox, and dad, Brian Austin Green, both iconic celebrities. Shannon Green has a lot of siblings and is part of a big family.

He is still very young and has a lot to learn and explore in the world. Noah Green is just starting his journey in life, and we can’t wait to see what amazing things he will accomplish in the future!

Noah Shannon Green


Noah Shannon Green
Stage Name
Date of Birth
September 27, 2012
11 years old (as of today)
Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox
(Bodhi Ranson, Journey River, Kassius Lijah
The United States


Noah Shannon Early Life and Education

Noah Shannon Green had also wonderful and adventurous early life. Growing up in a famous family, he was surrounded by love and support from his parents, Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green. Noah Shannon Green was curious and eager to learn as a young child.

He attended school like any other child his age, where he made friends and discovered his interests. Noah Green’s parents always encouraged him to pursue his education and explore his passions. With their guidance and support, Noah Green is on his way to achieving great things.

Parents and Siblings

Noah Shannon Green is lucky to have such a fantastic family! His mom, Megan Fox, and dad, Brian Austin Green, are celebrities and loving parents. Noah Shannon Green has some siblings, too! He has two brothers, Bodhi Ransom Green and Journey River Green, and one half-brother, Kassius Lijah Marcil-Green.

They are all part of an extensive and happy family. Shannon Green is fortunate to have so many siblings to play and grow up with. With such a loving and supportive family, Shannon Green is surrounded by lots of love and adventures!

Husband And Boyfriend

So it’s too early for him to have a husband or boyfriend! Noah Shannon Green still focuses on his education, making friends, and having fun. He’s got plenty of time to think about relationships in the future.

Shannon Green enjoys being a kid and exploring the world around him. Who knows what the future holds? But for now, let Noah Green also enjoy his childhood and all the unique experiences that come with it!

Noah Shannon Children

Shannon Green may be just 11 years old, but he already has some experience being a big brother! He has younger siblings who are part of his extensive and loving family. He also loves spending time with his brothers, playing games, and having fun adventures together.

Being a big brother is essential, and Noah Green takes it seriously. He also loves taking care of his siblings and being there for them. As he grows older, Shannon Green will continue to be a fantastic brother and make lifelong memories with his siblings.

Age, Height, Weight, and physical appearance

Noah Shannon is growing up as an innovative and robust young boy. He was born in September 27, 2012, his height 5 feet tall, and weight 30 kg, may change as he gets older. He is focused on having fun, learning new things, and staying active.

Shannon Green loves playing sports and spending time outdoors. He also enjoys running, jumping, and exploring the world around him. He has a beautiful appearance with sparkling eyes and a smile that lights up the room. As he grows, Noah Green’s physical appearance will continue to evolve, but his charm and love for life will always remain the same.

Noah Shannon Before Fame

He was like any other kid before Noah Green became a well-known name. He spent his early years exploring, learning, and having fun with his family and friends. Noah Green loved playing games, going on adventures, and discovering new things. He was always curious and eager to learn.

Shannon Green’s parents, Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green, always encouraged him to pursue his passions and supported him in his education. During this time, Noah Green discovered his love for storytelling and also entertaining others. Even at a young age, he showed signs of the superstar he would become.

Noah Shannon Acting Career

Noah Green has already shown an interest in acting. He loves to entertain people and make them laugh. While he may not have any official acting credits to his name yet, Shannon Green has been known to perform impromptu performances for his family and friends.

Whether reenacting scenes from his favorite movies or creating his characters, Shannon Green has a natural talent for storytelling and bringing joy to those around him. Who knows, we may see him on the big screen one day, captivating audiences with his charm and talent!

Net worth and achievement

Noah Green may only be 11, but he has already achieved so much in his young life! While his net worth is $8 Million, his real wealth lies in the love and support he receives from his family.

Shannon Green has accomplished the incredible feat of being an amazing big brother to his younger siblings, and his acts of kindness and care are truly priceless. He has also shown a natural talent for storytelling and entertainment, which may lead to exciting opportunities in the future.

With his determination and passion, Noah Green will undoubtedly achieve great things as he continues to grow and explore the world.

Noah Shannon Legacy and Impact

Shannon Green is already leaving a lasting legacy and also positively impacting the world. His kindness and love towards his siblings and friends inspire others to be caring and compassionate.

Shannon Green’s natural talent for storytelling and entertaining brings joy to those around him and brightens their days. He can make people smile and laugh, spreading happiness wherever he goes. Even at such a young age, Shannon Green is already making a difference and leaving a mark on the hearts of those who know him.

Noah Shannon Hobbies

Noah Shannon Green has a variety of hobbies that he enjoys. Here are some of his favorite activities:

  • Additionally, Playing soccer with his friends
  • Additionally, Exploring nature and going on hikes with his family
  • Building LEGO sets and creating his imaginative creations
  • Reading books and getting lost in exciting adventures
  • Additionally, Painting and drawing pictures of his favorite animals
  • Singing and dancing to his favorite songs
  • Playing board games and having fun family game nights
  • Shannon Green loves trying new things and always looks for fun activities. Whether active 

outdoors or creative indoors, he always finds joy in his hobbies and also making the most of every day.

Favourite Things

  • Noah Shannon Green has many favorite things that bring him joy and happiness. Additionally, Here are some of his top picks:
  •  Playing soccer with his friends and scoring goals like his famous athletes
  • Exploring nature and going on exciting adventures in the great outdoors
  • Additionally, Building epic LEGO creations that take his imagination to new heights
  • Reading books that transport him to magical worlds filled with adventure and wonder
  • Additionally, Painting and drawing pictures of his favorite animals, showcasing his creativity
  •  Singing and also dancing to his favorite songs, showing off his moves and rhythm
  •  Playing board games with his family, laughing and having fun together
  •  Shannon Green loves trying new things and always discovers new favorites. 
  • Additionally, From sports and nature to   creativity and family time, he enjoys various activities that bring him joy.
  • Additionally, With his playful spirit and zest for life, Noah Green finds happiness in his favorite things.

Interesting Facts About Noah Shannon 

  • Shannon Green also loves animals and dreams of having a pet dog one day.
  • He also enjoys learning about different animal species and their habitats.
  • He is a huge fan of superheroes, especially Spider-Man. 
  • Shannon Green loves dressing up as his favorite hero and pretending to swing from buildings.
  • Shannon Green is a talented artist and enjoys drawing and coloring. 
  • His favorite subject to illustrate is nature; he often creates beautiful landscapes with vibrant colors.
  • He has a sweet tooth and also loves eating ice cream and cookies. 
  • Shannon Green’s favorite flavor is chocolate chip cookie dough. 
  • He enjoys playing video games with friends and also loves challenging himself to complete tricky levels and puzzles.
  • Shannon Green is an excellent swimmer and enjoys spending time in the water. 
  • He loves diving and splashing around with his siblings
  • He has a passion for learning about outer space and dreams of someday becoming an astronaut. 
  • Shannon Green loves reading books and watching documentaries about the universe.
  • He also enjoys helping others and often volunteers at his school to assist younger students with their homework.
    Shannon also loves to make people laugh and enjoys telling jokes.
  •  His favorite trick is “Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide!”


What is Noah Shannon Green’s favorite hobby?

Shannon Green has a lot of hobbies that he loves, but his favorite hobby is playing soccer with his friends. He enjoys running around, kicking the ball, and scoring goals like his favorite soccer players.

Does Noah Shannon Green have any pets?

Currently, Shannon Green does not have any pets. However, he dreams of having a pet dog one day. He loves animals and enjoys learning about different species and their habitats.

What is Noah Shannon Green’s favorite book?

Shannon Green loves to read, and one of his favorite books is “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” He enjoys the magical adventures and the friendships in the story.

Does Noah Shannon Green have any siblings?

Yes, Noah Green has three siblings. He has two brothers named Bodhi Ransom Green and Journey River Green and one half-brother named Kassius Lijah Marcil-Green. They are all part of an extensive and loving family.

What does Noah Shannon Green want to be when he grows up?

Noah Green dreams of becoming an astronaut when he grows up. He has also passion for learning about outer space and enjoys reading books and also watching documentaries about the universe. He imagines exploring the stars and going on exciting space missions.

What is Noah Shannon Green’s favorite joke?

Noah Green loves to make people laugh, and his favorite joke is, ”

Why did the chicken cross the playground? 

To get to the other slide!” He also enjoys telling jokes and also bringing joy to those around him with his sense of humor.


Shannon Green is a fantastic boy living his best life. With famous parents and also loving family, he has a bright future ahead of him. Noah is still young and has much to explore and learn.

He also loves playing sports, spending time with his siblings, and also exploring the outdoors. Shannon Green has a natural talent for storytelling and entertaining, and who knows, we may see him on the big screen one day! With his determination and passion, there’s no doubt that Noah will achieve great things as he continues to grow.

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