Naviyd Ely Raymond Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Relationships, Biography on Wikipedia And Family.

Hey there, kids! Do you know who Naviyd Ely Raymond is? He’s a cool 7-year-old boy with a famous dad named Usher. Have you heard of him? Usher is a super-talented singer and songwriter, and Naviyd is his son. 

Naviyd’s mom is a celebrity hairstylist named Tameka Foster, so he’s got some pretty stylish genes. In this blog post, we’ll learn about Naviyd Ely Raymond’s net worth, age, height, weight, relationships, and family.

Who is Naviyd Ely Raymond?

Naviyd Ely Raymond is a cool 7-year-old boy! He is the son of the famous singer Usher and celebrity hairstylist Tameka Foster. Naviyd’s dad, Usher, is a super-talented musician and songwriter. Isn’t that amazing? 

Naviyd’s mom is also very stylish, so it’s no wonder he has such a tremendous sense of fashion. In this blog post, we’ll learn about Naviyd Ely Raymond’s life, including his net worth, age, height, weight, and relationships with his family. Stay tuned to find out more about this talented and fashionable young boy!

Naviyd Ely Raymond


Full Name
Naviyd Ely Raymond
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
December 10, 2008
14 years
Celebrity Child
Birth Country
United States
Father Name
Father Profession
American singer, songwriter, actor, businessman, and dancer
Mother Name
Tameka Foster
Mother Profession
Gender Identity


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Early Life and Education

Naviyd Ely Raymond had a fantastic early life. He was born on December 10, 2008, in Atlanta, Georgia, a great city! Can you imagine growing up in a place like that? Naviyd is the second child of Usher and Tameka Foster. 

He has an older brother named Usher V. Isn’t that awesome? Naviyd has also been lucky when it comes to his education. He attends a private school, where he learns many exciting things. Even though he’s only seven years old, Naviyd is already on his way to having a bright future.

Parents and Siblings

Naviyd Ely Raymond has some pretty incredible parents and siblings! His dad is the famous singer Usher, known for his fantastic music. Naviyd’s mom is Tameka Foster, a celebrity hairstylist who knows about style. 

Naviyd also has an older brother named Usher V, who is probably his best friend. Growing up with such talented and stylish family members must be so much fun! Naviyd is lucky to have such a loving and supportive family who inspire him to be his best self. He has some pretty awesome people to look up to!

Naviyd Ely Raymond Wife and Girlfriend

Naviyd Ely Raymond is a young boy, just seven years old, so it’s a bit too early for him to have a wife or a girlfriend. At his age, Naviyd is more focused on having fun and spending time with his family and friends. 

He’s still growing and learning about the world around him, so he has plenty of time to explore relationships in the future. Right now, Naviyd is enjoying being a kid and embracing all the adventures that come with it. Who knows what the future holds for this talented and stylish young boy?

Naviyd Ely Raymond Children

Naviyd Ely Raymond, being only seven years old, has no children. As a child, Naviyd is focused on enjoying his childhood and spending time with his family and friends. He has an older brother named Usher V, his best friend and crime partner. 

Together, they have countless adventures and create lifelong memories. Naviyd’s parents, Usher and Tameka Foster, shower him with love and support, guiding him as he grows into a remarkable young individual. While he may not have children yet, Naviyd is fortunate to have a loving family to share his journey with.

Age, Height, Weight, and physical appearance

Naviyd Ely Raymond is a cool 7-year-old boy who is growing up to be a remarkable individual. At a young age, he is full of energy and curiosity about the world around him. Naviyd is growing taller and stronger every day, and his height and weight are right on track for a boy his age. 

As for his appearance, Naviyd has inherited his parents’ stylish genes and always looks effortlessly fashionable. He has a great sense of style and loves to express himself through his clothes and accessories. Naviyd’s charming smile and bright eyes light up any room he enters. 

Despite being a child, Naviyd already exudes confidence and charisma. He will become a handsome and talented young man, just like his dad, Usher. Stay tuned to learn more about Naviyd Ely Raymond and his incredible journey!

Naviyd Ely Raymond Before Fame

Before Naviyd Ely Raymond became the incredible and talented young boy he is today, he had a normal and happy childhood, just like any other child. He grew up surrounded by love from his parents, Usher and Tameka Foster, and his older brother, Usher V. Naviyd, spent his early years exploring the world, learning new things, and having lots of fun with his family. 

He enjoyed playing games, going on adventures, and making unforgettable memories. Naviyd’s parents always encouraged his interests and talents, nurturing his creative spirit. While Naviyd may have yet to achieve fame, he is already building a foundation for success by enjoying his childhood and learning from his experiences. The future holds endless possibilities for this young and remarkable boy, and we can’t wait to see what he accomplishes in the years to come!

Naviyd Ely Raymond Acting Career

Naviyd Ely Raymond, at the young age of 7, is already showing signs of talent in acting. While he may be better known as the son of Usher and Tameka Foster, Naviyd has already dabbled in the entertainment industry. 

With his charismatic personality and natural ability to captivate an audience, it’s no surprise that he has already caught the attention of casting directors. Naviyd has had the opportunity to appear in a few commercials and music videos, showcasing his acting skills and stage presence.

 Although he is still exploring his options and honing his craft, it is clear that Naviyd has a promising future ahead of him. Keep an eye out for this talented young star as he continues making his mark in the acting world.

Net worth and achievement

Naviyd Ely Raymond, at 7, has already achieved a lot in his life. While he may be young, Naviyd has already made a name for himself in the entertainment industry. He has appeared in commercials and music videos, showcasing his acting skills and charisma. 

Although he is just starting his career, Naviyd is already on his way to achieving great success. As for his net worth, it is difficult to determine at this point in his life, but with his talent and determination, there’s no doubt that Naviyd’s future is filled with even more outstanding achievements and financial success. Stay tuned to see what he accomplishes next!

Naviyd Ely Raymond Legacy and Impact

Naviyd Ely Raymond maybe just a young boy, but he is already making an impact and leaving a legacy in the entertainment industry. His charismatic personality and natural talent for acting have caught the attention of many.

 Despite his young age, Naviyd has already appeared in commercials and music videos, showcasing his skills and captivating audiences. As he continues to grow and develop his craft, there’s no doubt that Naviyd’s legacy will continue to expand. He is paving the way for other young performers and inspiring them to pursue their dreams. 

Naviyd’s impact reaches beyond his success, as he serves as a role model for other children who aspire to follow in his footsteps. With his determination and talent, Naviyd is set to achieve even greater things in the future, leaving a lasting legacy that will be remembered for years.


Naviyd Ely Raymond is a fun-loving 7-year-old with various hobbies that keep him busy and entertained. Here are some of his favorite things to do in his free time:

  • Playing soccer: Naviyd loves to kick around a soccer ball and practice his skills on the field.
  • Drawing and painting: He is creative and enjoys expressing himself through art. Whether it’s drawing his favorite superheroes or painting colorful masterpieces, Naviyd always has fun with it.
  • Dancing: With his dad’s musical talent, it’s no surprise that Naviyd loves to dance. He’s got some smooth moves and enjoys busting a groove to his favorite songs.
  • Reading: Naviyd is curious and loves exploring different worlds through books. He often gets lost in exciting adventures and magical tales.
  • Playing video games: Naviyd enjoys playing and challenging himself to beat high scores like many kids his age.

With so many hobbies, Naviyd always finds something exciting to do and keeps his days filled with fun and creativity.

Favourite Things

Naviyd Ely Raymond, the cool 7-year-old boy, has many favorite things he loves to do! Here are some of his top picks:

  • Playing soccer: Naviyd enjoys kicking around a ball and showing off his skills on the field.
  • Drawing and painting: He loves to let his creative side shine through art. Whether drawing his favorite superheroes or painting colorful masterpieces, Naviyd always has a blast.
  • Dancing: With his dad’s musical talent, it’s no surprise that Naviyd has some impressive dance moves. He loves grooving to his favorite songs and showing off his smooth steps.
  • Reading: Naviyd is curious and enjoys exploring different worlds through books. He loves getting lost in exciting adventures and magical tales.
  • Playing video games: Naviyd enjoys playing and challenging himself to beat high scores like many kids his age.

With so many fun hobbies, Naviyd is always busy doing something he loves and having a great time.

Interesting Facts About

Naviyd Ely Raymond is a talented 7-year-old boy full of surprises and interesting facts!

  • Did you know that Naviyd has appeared in commercials and music videos? He’s already starting his acting career at such a young age!
  • Naviyd is not just a performer but also a sports enthusiast. He loves playing soccer and showing off his skills on the field.
  • Another interesting fact about Naviyd is that he has a creative side. He enjoys drawing and painting, expressing himself through colorful artwork.
  • With his dad’s musical talent, it’s no wonder that Naviyd loves dancing. He’s got some smooth moves and loves grooving to his favorite songs.
  • Naviyd is also an avid reader. He loves diving into different worlds through books and going on exciting adventures through the pages.
  • When he’s not busy with all of his hobbies, Naviyd enjoys playing video games and challenging himself to beat high scores.

Despite his young age, Naviyd has already accomplished much and continues to impress us with his talents and interests. We can’t wait to see what he does next!


Can Naviyd Ely Raymond sing like his dad?

Naviyd is still young and exploring his talents, but he may have a future in singing if he decides to pursue it!

Does Naviyd have any pets?

Yes, Naviyd is a proud owner of a cute and cuddly dog named Boomer. They’re best friends!

What is Naviyd’s favorite food?

Naviyd loves pizza! It’s his go-to meal whenever he wants a tasty treat.

Does Naviyd have any hobbies besides acting and soccer?

Absolutely! Naviyd enjoys drawing, painting, dancing, reading, and playing video games. He’s a very well-rounded kid!

What school does Naviyd attend?

Naviyd attends a private school where he gets to learn and grow academically. Education is essential to him and his family.

Does Naviyd have any famous friends?

While Naviyd’s family is well-connected in the entertainment industry, he values his friendships with famous and non-famous friends equally.

Does Naviyd have any upcoming projects or shows?

There has yet to be any news about any upcoming projects for Naviyd. But who knows? He might surprise us with something unique in the future!

How does Naviyd balance his schoolwork and acting career?

Naviyd’s parents and teachers help him balance his studies and acting. Education always comes first!

 Is Naviyd planning to follow in his dad’s footsteps and become a singer?

Only time will tell! Naviyd is still young and exploring his interests. He has many talents, so who knows? 

How can fans stay updated on Naviyd’s journey?

Fans can stay updated by following Naviyd’s parents’ social media accounts, where they occasionally share updates about him.


In conclusion, Naviyd Ely Raymond is a cool 7-year-old boy already making a name for himself in the entertainment industry. With his famous parents, Usher and Tameka Foster, Naviyd is surrounded by talent and style.

 Despite his young age, he has already shown his acting skills in commercials and music videos. Naviyd is also a sports enthusiast who loves playing soccer and has a creative side through drawing and painting.

 He enjoys reading, dancing, and playing video games too! With a loving and supportive family, Naviyd is sure to continue growing into an even more remarkable young man. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this talented and fashionable little guy. Keep up the great work, Naviyd!

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